Role: Associate Creative Director
"Know Your Soldiers" is an internal initiative that was established by the Army in order to help officers identify Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in their soldiers.
The website was designed to be a toolkit for officers, offering resources, insights and solutions. Because it's an internal program, Know Your Soldiers posters were created for use in high traffic areas on army bases. The tray liner was used as a placemat on fast food trays in PXes. Multiple high ranking officers, including generals, complimented the campaign for offering effective tools without being overwhelming.
The website was designed to be a toolkit for officers, offering resources, insights and solutions. Because it's an internal program, Know Your Soldiers posters were created for use in high traffic areas on army bases. The tray liner was used as a placemat on fast food trays in PXes. Multiple high ranking officers, including generals, complimented the campaign for offering effective tools without being overwhelming.
Tray Liner